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राजस्थान चलो........महारानी साहिबा होश में आइये



Human Chain formed at Ambedkar Circle

27th September, 2007

Dear friends,

To protest against the Vasundhara Raje Government for blacklisting social activists and minorities in the State, several activists got together in Jaipur at the Ambedkar Circle, formed a human chain and shouted slogans against the attack on people's freedoms on 26th September . More than two hundred people participated. We were not allowed to stop traffic and complete the round of the circle. Police in very large numbers came and stopped us. Since this was not the day of courting arrests we held restraint and instead sang songs and heard people speak against attack on democracy and the terrible Rajasthan Police Bill, 2007 which will replace the 1861 Police Act.

Of the two hundred names of people from all over Rajasthan who are on the list we had managed to get the first nine names which were as follows: Kavita Srivastava, PUCL, Mhd Haroon Rashid, S/o Abdul Rashid, C Scheme, Nisha Sidhu, NFIW, Mhd. Imran s/o Abdul Hamid s/o Abdul Hamid, Subhash Chowk, Ayaz Siddqui, Jaipur, Abid Mhd. S/ o Aziz Ayub, Abdul Majid s/o Abdul Rehman, Dr. Ghiyas Anwar, Mazar Beig.

Of these five of us participated in the protest. As you are aware Nisha Sidhu is the Secretary of the NFIW in Rajasthan and also a national council member of the CPI party. The others who participated included Mhd Haroon Rashid a gem stone dealer, Mhd Imran a electrical technician and Ayaz Siddiqui. All these three are also active with the Jamait-e'-Isami Hind so perhaps the target of the Government. Dr. Ghiyas Anwar is a doctor in the Government. and has nothing to do with politics or the Jamaat or any public position.

The protest also had the participation of Dr. John Dayal, Member National Integration Council, CPI state Secretary Dushyant Ojha, RUWA former President, Laad Kumari Jain, Prem Krishan Sharma, former PUCL President, Harkesh Bugalia of AIICTU, Prakash Chaturvedi from the Univeristy Teachers Union, Sawai Singh from Samgra Sewa Sangh, Than Singh, President of PUCL, Radhaa Kant Saxena vice President of PUCL, and a large number of basti people, helmet sellers, youth and several dalit and PUCL Activists.

We have some other information regarding this list. It is confirmed that it is the State Intelligence list which was taken by the Home Department and passed on to the Rajasthan State Assembly.

Incase you have sent your protest letter to the CM, HM and the Speaker of the Rajasthan State Assembly then please send us a copy of it. Incase you have not sent then please do it now. (Addresses are given below). The Speaker is in Delhi till the 29th of September, 2007. Incase you wish to contact her then she is at the Common Wealth Parliamentary forum and also staying in Rajasthan House on Shahjahan Road – Prithviraj Road, behind Bikaner House

We plan to continue with the protest against the blacklisting of activists and the terrible Rajasthan Police Bill, 2007 in Jaipur and Rajasthan.

The next programme will be on 2nd October, 2007 when a Day long fast has been planned at the Gandhi Statue, Opposite Kanoria College, Jaipur . Protests are also being planned in Ajmer and Alwar by PUCL and other organisations.
Addresses of people whom letters need to be sent:

Ms. Vasundhara Raje, Chief Minster,
Government of Rajasthan, State Secretariat, Jaipur – 302001

Residence: 8, Civil Lines, Jaipur - 302 006.
Office: 0141-2227262, 2227351, 2227687 ( F)
Residence: 0141- 2228712, 2228713, 2228705 ( F)
E. Mail:

You could also go the State Website See in the menu on the right "messages to CM".

Ms. Sumitra Singh, Speaker, Rajasthan State Assembly, Jaipur

Residence : P-2, Tilak Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur - 302 005.
91-0141-2385119 (Tel. fax), 2385123 (Residence),
9414056123 (Mobile ) 91-0141-2744321
91-0141-2744333, 2744334 fax

E.mail :

Home Minister Gulab Chand Kataria
Office: 0141- 2227362, Residence: 0141- 2229300, mobile: 9414158777
Gulabh Chand Kataria, Home Minister,
Government of Rajasthan, State Secretariat, Jaipur


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